

Mary Visteen has migrated from Fenwick’s English Department to the Counseling Department in 学生服务.
MV: B.A. – University of Illinois at Chicago; M.A. – DePaul University; M.A. 正在进行中-康考迪亚大学(River Forest)

MV: I taught at Hinsdale Central High School as a part-time Academic Resource Coordinator, 然后我在圣. 位于伊利诺伊州阿灵顿高地的Viator高中.

MV: 我自己的话 露丝·巴德·金斯伯格:前者, favorite student who knew that I admired her just dropped it off before Thanksgiving.

MV: I am in graduate school and I am a mother of three (ages 9, 6, and 3) so my “spare” time is limited to pursue anything of great interest. However, I do squeeze in time to compete in obstacle races. 我在斯巴达队参加六月的比赛. 从我很小的时候起,我就喜欢待在一个团队里. I love competition and a group of people working together for a common goal — it is how I see education in general. We need to bring everyone in our classroom to the same level.

To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?
MV: 我打水球(游泳以保持体形). 我喜欢水球. I started playing when I was 10 and played at IU for my first two years of college — the level of competition was fierce, but afforded me so many amazing opportunities for travel and many academic advantages.

MV: 我负责平等俱乐部. I was a coach for water polo but I haven’t done that for five years now. 我也是Write Place的主持人.

MV: esball世博的学生是被驱使的. The air 在这里 is a different texture than w在这里 I went to high school. 虽然我对自己有目标和期望, 在这里, students put a lot of pressure on themselves to be at the top level of everything — I admire that drive, but also hope that students take some time to take care of themselves, 笑, 并享受这些时刻. High school is a special time and it is over so quickly.

When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?
MV: 当我进入印第安纳大学时,我本来是一个理科专业的学生. 我想做神经学研究或实验室工作. In fact, since I came from a long line of teachers, I was dead set against becoming a teacher. 我有一个患有Rett综合征的妹妹, a neurological disorder that occurs almost exclusively in girls, 这使她无法说话, 或者步行, 或者自己做任何事. 很长的故事, 短, she ended up passing away midway through my sophomore year at IU; her death made me question a lot of my decisions.
I finished out the school year and came home to be closer to my family. 虽然我是从伊利诺伊大学的生物项目开始的, I had to take some 100-level English classes to fulfill my gen-ed requirements and I ended up in an Intro to Theater class. The professor and I became close friends, and he introduced me to the Writing Center Director. My interest in literature, language and writing began to flourish. 在我UIC的第一个学期结束时, I started working in the Writing Center on campus and began taking more literature and writing courses. 我对科学的兴趣开始减退. While I was in the Writing Center, I developed relationships with a lot of the English faculty. 他们鼓励我思考教育问题.
尽管我反对这个想法, our center began to build workshops with local schools and the relationships I built with students in those workshops influenced me to take the suggestion more seriously. 然后第二年, I began coaching water polo with my sister at York High School, which finally convinced me to seek out my education credentials. So I applied to DePaul for their English Education Master’s program.

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
MV: I have high expectations but I have always maintained that the individual is first. I focus on their writing and critical thinking since logic and communication are skills they will need for their entire lives. 我希望我是平易近人的. I hope that students see me as a person who has empathy for them.

MV: I now only teach AP Language and Composition (one class) since I counsel the entire freshman class. 上个学年,她是2018届的辅导员.]

MV: I have had a few really great memories and so many students who are forever etched in my mind. From my very first eight-person APLAC class to my first senior Brit Lit class — the class that should have won Tug of War had I not had a baby at the start of the competition! 我遇到了很多优秀的、有才华的年轻人. They have inspired me to continue to learn and to be brave enough to set new goals for myself — to not shy away from challenges even though many years have passed since I left college.

MV: 随着科技的发展, 学生们不断受到信息的轰炸, which in effect elicits pressure to mature at a faster rate than previous generations due to early exposure to mature content — no matter how strict parental controls are.
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